

Do Ho SuhLives and works between, New York City, Korea and Berlin
For Do Ho Suh, living a transient life in an increasingly globalized world, brings with it the constant questioning of ones sense of self, sense of home and sense of place.  This questioning is an integral part of not only Suh’s life, but also his art making practice and brings with it an awareness in the contradictions of the individual versus the collective and personal versus public spaces.  Through great detail and repetition of forms – both hallmarks of Suh’s work – he infuses these ideas into works that are both monumental and elegant.  Karma, a twenty-three-foot-high, monumental bronze sculpture, reflects many of these ideas in the precarious tower of crouching human figures stacked one upon the other. Karma, created for Beyond/In Western New York 2010, will remain as a permanent piece after the exhibition closes.   
Installation view:
Photo: Tom Loonan

